Management and Monitoring User Interface of the     EUREF NTRIP Broadcaster operated by the Royal Observatory of Belgium.

User Registration

Important Notice: The (manual) processing of registration requests for the broadcaster will experience significant delays (some weeks) during the summer holidays. We thank you for your patience!


Complete the user registration form (accessible through the link in the bottom of this page) to get access to real-time GNSS data. Each new registration request is processed manually during the normal working hours. We are doing our best to provide you access as quickly as possible, but note that holiday periods might also result in delay in answering your request.

Registration is meant for a single user only. If your group is composed of several users needing access, please register each individual separately. Keep the password safe and for yourself.

Privacy Policy

When registering on our broadcaster, we will ask you to provide the some mandatory information such as your name, email, chosen username, your chosen password, your affiliation (if any), country, and application for which you ask access to the streams.

We use your name and email solely to notify you about the activation/deactivation of your account. The information provided on the usage of the streams is used to generate anonymized statistics.

We don't store your password in clear text, but only record an encrypted version of it, so please keep your (clear text) password safe as we cannot recover it for you.

You can optionally register to

  • receive broadcaster status notification emails
  • be included in the publicly available list of users displayed on the home page of this web site

Your account information will be kept as long as your account is active on our broadcaster. Contact us at for editing or removing any of your personal data or for cancelling your account and be removed from our data base.


Each registered used will get by default simultaneous access to 5 streams. If you need access to more simultaneous streams, indicate this in the remarks field of the registration form. Access to more streams is not guaranteed and will strongly depend on the existing load on our broadcaster. Note that you cannot upload your streams to our caster with the credential obtained by the registration below.

Station's coordinate notice: Please note that the reference coordinates in the streams are often incorrect. This is out of our control as the streams are managed on a voluntary basis by other agencies. The following page on the web site of the EPN Central Bureau gives you and idea of the validity of the reference coordinates inserted in the streams. After selecting a station, DIFF(STR-REF) indicates how much the coordinates in the stream differ from the correct ETRS89 coordinates of the station.

NTRIP over HTTP/HTTPS and Ports

The broadcaster is configured to serve NTRIP on over (insecure) HTTP connection on port 2101 and over (secure, SSL) HTTPS connection on port 2102. We strongly recommend to connect to our broadcaster over HTTPS (using SSL) as otherwise your password will be sent over the network in plain text (i.e. readable by anyone). Consult the manual of your client to find out how to configure your client to use SSL.

Info: The SSL certificate for the ROB broadcaster can be found here.


As a final notice, given the variety of software and receivers able to connect to our broadcaster, it is impossible for us to provide you support for your specific configuration/application (client side). We can only provide you the support related to your access registration on our caster (server side).


Registration Form

Warning: Click on the button below to agree with the privacy policy (explained above), ROB's general disclaimer, terms of use, and data policy!

